Decentering Whiteness: A Racial Justice Journey

Two friends - one a female entrepreneur and coach who is a descendant of formerly enslaved peoples, and another a gay white man who has lived around the world - open their hearts and their experience to an open discussion on racial justice in America.

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Thursday Apr 22, 2021

Andréa and Christopher use this episode, recorded a month after the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capital Insurrection/Riots. We talk about how that event spotlights the fundamental systemic racism of a country that allowed a white mob to attack the seat of U.S. democracy while people of color who lawfully and peacefully protest are vilified, attacked and murdered by law enforcement and conservative vigilantes.

Saturday Mar 13, 2021

In this episode, Christopher recounts a difficult conversation with a friend about his views on race, and he and Andréa unpack the invisible reality of white myths about race and how to go about challenging them effectively.


Saturday Mar 13, 2021

Saturday Mar 13, 2021

In this episode, Andréa takes the lead on a discussion about the phenomenon of colorism in American communities of color. What is it, how does it manifest itself, and how do people play the game of "I'm better than you" in the process of trying to climb ladders of privilege set up by people of European descent, and how they end up oppressing each other in the process.

Saturday Mar 13, 2021

In this episode, Christopher looks back on his life and takes inventory of the environment in which he grew up, and the "messages" he received about people of different races. How does our upbringing subconsciously impact how we think about race and make it so difficult for us to talk about it today?

Let Us Introduce Ourselves

Saturday Mar 13, 2021

Saturday Mar 13, 2021

We are Andréa and Christopher, two friends who love each other and think it's important to talk about race in America. We're on a mission to discuss difficult issues and take on difficult topics around race. We'd like to introduce ourselves and tell you about our racial justice journey!

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